

Bridges are most used in restorative treatments for bridging gaps between teeth, caused by broken or lost teeth. Performing daily tasks such as eating, smiling, and talking can be made difficult due to missing teeth. When you have one or more missing teeth, adjacent teeth can drift over the gap, resulting in a misaligned bite. In as little as one or two visits, we can restore the pleasant smile on your face.

If the strength of the neighbouring teeth, surrounding the gap, is sound, a dental bridge is placed over them to create a steady foundation. Without proper support, teeth can lose their strength and their alignment. The dental bridge is a semi-permanent, artificial tooth the colour of your surrounding teeth, ensuring your smile has a natural appearance. Once affixed, dental bridges provide an utmost level of comfort and allow patients to chew or bite without causing pain to your gums and teeth. You can achieve improved results with appropriate visits and by following an adequate oral hygiene regimen prescribed by our Dentist.